CISA Exam Experience

My exam preparation spanned over 5 months with daily 2-3 hrs of relentless study. From then till my exam day I only lived with one dream and here is the outcome which says you have cleared the exam. As ISACA exam is very confusing if you have preconceived knowledge that you can’t seem to break. Whether these are from your previous experiences or learning. I can say that ISACA definitely lives in their own world. (: Below is the preparation schedule followed by me 1. Read CRM 2-3 times 2. Watched Hemang Doshi sir’s videos and read other content of his forum 3. Joined Telegram CISA Discussion group (hundreds of dollars are saved bcoz of the resources/materials available there) 4.Practiced almost 4000+ questions with thorough understanding of the explanations. 5. Most importantly during the exam THINK LIKE AN AUDITOR Special thanks to Hemang Doshi , Ankit Mehta If anyone needs any guidance/preparation material feel free to connect me.I would be happy to help you.