CISA Exam Experience

Well, now it is my time to share some experience.

First time I heard about CISA in 2008. I saw these strange letters (there were CISM and
CISSP letters also) in the signature of one wise man, who was an instructor in IT academy. While googling new acronym I found that there is an ISACA in this World and it provides some certifications for IT and security professionals. I liked these acronyms very much, considered myself as an IT-pro (lol, no) and started my IT security path to get them in my signature. But, i totally and immediately forgot about them (acronyms) due to hard working. I worked in IT and security in educational, oil and banking organizations. I was regular specialist, internal security auditor, external IT auditor, head of security department, consultant, and even system administrator for 13 years.

Then in 2021 i accidently met that wise instructor from 2008 on security conference, we talked a lot, and suddenly i realized that now my experience, my background, my knowledge and my English (that is not my native language) are enough to get that cherished acronym – CISA. So i joined ISACA, bought Hemang Doshi Udemy CISA video and found latest official CISA QnA.

I went for a month to small house near the forest with my wife and cat and started to prepare for exam. I already knew much about audit, but ISACAs view on many points was different from mine. QnA helped me a lot to get this. And Hemang Doshi video showed me the concepts needed for exam. Anyways, my IT and security background were absolutely needed for success.

Two weeks after a scheduled an exam in a testing center in 800km from my house. Arrived a day before, slept well, got only coffee in the morning and passed an exam in around 3 hours.

After 5 business days I received a mail form ISACA with my 600 score and
congratulations. Same day applied for certification and got it in 5 business

Finally after 13 years I can sign “light, CISA”

Now preparing for CISM, hope it comes as easy as CISA.